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One of Our Easy Low FODMAP Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes

December 6, 2021 (Last Updated: March 22, 2023)
low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes

This is one of our easiest low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes that make tender melt in your mouth and juicy chicken, then you have come to the right spot. We don’t have that many low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes but this one has all the deep richness of a traditional slow cooked chicken recipe without pesky high fodmap ingredients. 

low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes

This is the perfect dish to serve with a side of veggies, on a bed of rice, or even in a hand pulled chicken taco. If that sounds good to you, then stick around for the rest of this blog post. We’ll walk you through the steps and talk about fun without fodmaps:

This recipe is part of our series, “One Chicken, Three Recipes.” Where we do exactly as the title describes and show you how to utilize an entire chicken without wasting a thing. Check out our other recipes as part of this series:

Mee Siam – Thai Low FODMAP Noodles

3 Ingredient Low FODMAP Chicken Broth

Is Soy Sauce Low FODMAP?

Is soy sauce low fodmap? Yes and no. A lot of soy-based foods get a bad rap for being high fodmap but that isn’t always the case. The key is moderation.

Our recipe uses two tablespoons of sweet thick soy sauce or ketjap (if you’re from the Netherlands) also known as kicap manis in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. According to Monash University, soy sauce is low fodmap at a serving size of 42 grams or two tablespoons. 

If you have a gluten allergy and are looking for a gluten-free substitute, why not try Tamari?

Tamari: Gluten Free Substitute for Soy Sauce

Tamari is what soy sauce is to Chinese cuisine in Japan. Soy sauce is made from fermented soybeans and a combination of wheat and other roasted grains. 

But Tamari on the other hand is a Japanese sauce made solely from fermented soybeans, making it a gluten-free alternative to traditional soy sauce. Which is great if you’re looking for a low fodmap and gluten free substitute.

Shiitake Mushrooms: Substitute for Soy Sauce

Dried shiitake mushrooms are a great way to impart an umami flavor note into this dish. Luckily, shiitake FODMAP levels aren’t too bad. Monash reports that dried shiitake mushroom FODMAP is low at 7 grams.

We have spoken to a few friends about soy sauce and some of them have mentioned they still have a problem with soy sauce. Even while following the recommended serving size to ensure it is at a low fodmap level.

To make this “sauce,” simply grab your dried shiitake mushrooms and soak them in enough liquid to cover them. Place a plate over your bowl and allow it to steep for 10 minutes. Use this liquid in place of soy sauce instead.

If you’re looking for more info about soy sauce FODMAPs, check out this article!

Benefits of A Slow Cooker

low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes

We bet you have a slow cooker or a crock pot hidden somewhere in your kitchen at the back of your cupboards or maybe even stored in your basement. If so, we’re about to give you 3 reasons to break out that piece of equipment and try one of our favorite low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes. 

Slow cookers and crock pots are making a comeback and so are low fodmap crockpot meals! Not too long ago, the thought of slow cooker and crock pot meals resulted in expectations of outdated, gloopy, dishes or stews. But long gone are those days.

You can make fuss-free, healthy, and delicious low fodmap slow cooker recipes in hours without having to stand by the stove.  Heck, you can even make low fodmap chicken soup slow cooker recipes if you wanted but enough about that, here are a few benefits to slow cooking.

P.S. In case you were wondering, we use this Russell Hobbs slow cooker to make this easy low FODMAP dinner. It has a digital timer that automatically shifts from cook to ‘keep warm’ after the cooking time is complete. This could easily be one of those low FODMAP crock pot recipes if you have a crock pot instead of a slow cooker.

Planning Ahead

How many of us walk through the door at the end of a workday and squeal with glee at the thought of cooking a meal and doing the dishes that come with it?

*Insert cricket sound here*

Yup, we get it. Even if you’ve got a fridge filled with amazing produce to make any low fodmap dinner recipes, the thought of cooking seems tiresome and makes the idea of take-out sound better as the minutes go by. 

We love that low fodmap recipes slow cooker gives you the power to plan ahead and come home to a delicious fuss-free meal that was prepped in a few minutes and ready to eat while you were out making waves at work or running errands. If that sounds all too familiar, we think it’s time to give low fodmap crockpot recipes a shot.

Healthier and Cheaper Meals With Less Electricity

Another reason to break out your slow cooker or crock pot is that it is a healthier cooking method and also uses less energy than an oven.

Everyone loves a good hunk of grilled meat but did you know that grilling and barbequing can impart harmful chemicals into your meat? Not to mention the amount of energy that grills, ovens, and electric stoves use.

Another benefit to slow cooking is that you can buy any inexpensive cut of meat and cook it over long hours of time without breaking the bank. So do your wallet a favor and save some cash by using cheap cuts and cutting down on your energy bill with a slow cooker. Ipso facto, slow cooker low fodmap recipes are good for the gut and the wallet!

We don’t think we need to give you any more reasons to try low fodmap chicken recipes, do we?

Tender Meat

Healthy pulled chicken or low fodmap chicken breast recipes are crowd-pleasers but one can run the risk of making dry chicken. A slow cooker ensures that no matter what, you will get a soft and tender piece of protein at the end of the day.

Cooking any cut of meat, even hard cheap cuts in a slow cooker will result in melt in your mouth meat because of low and slow cooking. A slow cooker keeps the temperature in the crock pot even and allows the meat to break down and tenderize over hours.  That makes making low fodmap pulled chicken that is tender and juicy all the more appealing.

One would expect dry meat after hours of cooking, on the contrary. Cooking meat at low temperatures over a few hours actually does the opposite. It will retain all the moisture and actually intensify the flavor. 

How To Make Low Fodmap Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes Like This

We like serving this chicken as is on a bed of rice or mashed potatoes to soak up that delicious sauce made with our low fodmap chicken marinade. But we’ve recently found that this recipe makes an amazing hand pulled chicken taco filling. To make this low fodmap crock pot chicken, have a look at the steps below.

Marinate the chicken

Start by taking one tablespoon of sweet soy, garlic oil, paprika powder, salt, and pepper, and rubbing that into the chicken. Allow the meat to marinate if you have the time or use it immediately.

If you have a whole chicken and want to know how to break it down to get these cuts, have a look at our step-by-step guide (complete with pictures) in our 3 ingredient low FODMAP chicken broth.

Searing The Chicken

A lot of slow cooker recipes use the toss and go method and we admit it is great. But we have found that taking the time to sear the chicken on both sides not only yields wonderful results but it will also do two things:

  1. It will give you a beautiful brown crust instead of dull looking chicken
  2. It helps seal in and retain extra flavor and juices.

Add the chicken to a searing hot pan and sear on both sides. The point here is not to cook the chicken but to brown it on high heat for a short amount of time. It should go from this:

To this:

You can skip this step but it only takes 5 minutes or so and will only add more flavor to your dish.

Let The Slow Cooker Work It’s Magic

After you sear the chicken, you’re basically home free. All you have to do is add the other ingredients, like the remaining tablespoon of soy sauce or shiitake mushroom liquid if you can’t tolerate soy, bay leaves, and bell peppers (paprika if you’re in the Netherlands). Here’s a before shot:

Mix everything together, set the timer for 4 hours, place the lid on the slow cooker and let it work its magic while you do anything and everything or nothing even. Here’s what our chicken looked like after 4 hours of slow cooking:

That amazing flavor-packed golden sauce you see comes completely from the chicken. The bell peppers have completely broken down and caramelized. Talk about mouth watering.

low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes
low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes

I think we’ve given you plenty of reasons to make one of our easy low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes. It’s delicious, fuss-free, allows you to plan ahead, saves money, and is good for your gut. Need we say more?  Let us know what your favorite crockpot low fodmap recipes are and if you’ve used our substitutes.

This recipe is part of our series, “One Chicken, Three Recipes.” Where we do exactly as the title describes and show you how to utilize an entire chicken without wasting a thing. Check out our other recipes as part of this series:

Mee Siam – Thai Low Fodmap Noodles

3 Ingredient Low Fodmap Chicken Broth

Interested in slow cooker recipes? Make our slow cooker lamb shoulder curry!

oyster cut lamb shoulder

Or try making our warm and comforting low FODMAP beef stew:

low fodmap beef stew
Low FODMAP Beef Stew

Low FODMAP Slow Cooker Chicken

By Yummyble Serves: 2 to 3
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 4 hours 5 minutes Total Time: 4 hours 15 minutes

Break out your slow cooker & make one of our low fodmap slow cooker chicken recipes; perfect for pulled chicken tacos or as a main.


  • 2 chicken thighs
  • 2 chicken drumsticks
  • 2 chicken wings
  • 2 tbsp sweet soy or kicap/ketjap manis (alternatively you can substitute this with the liquid from dried shiitake mushroom *see notes for more information)
  • 1 tspn paprika powder
  • 3 tbsp garlic oil
  • 1 whole paprika or bell pepper
  • 3 bay leaves
  • salt and pepper to taste



Plug in your slow cooker and allow it to heat up. Our Russell Hobbs Slow Cooker was set to level 2.


Marinade your chicken pieces in 1 tablespoon of sweet soy, olive oil, paprika powder, salt, and pepper.


Set the chicken to marinate while you move on to the rest of the recipe.


Slice your paprika or bell pepper into long strips.


Heat a pan over medium-high heat until smoking and add your chicken to the pan. Allow the outer layer of the chicken to brown. Brown for roughly 2 minutes on each side -this method is called searing.


Take the chicken off the heat and place it in the slow cooker along with the remaining sweet soy, garlic oil, and sliced paprika.


Cover and set the slow cooker to 4 hours. At the 2 hour mark, we recommend checking on it and basting the meat with the liquid.


When 4 hours have passed, your chicken is ready to be eaten!

To serve:

Serve on a bed of rice, mashed potatoes, or alongside roasted vegetables

Or take the meat off the bone and serve in a burger bun, taco, in a sandwich, etc.


  • Tamari is a great gluten-free substitute for soy sauce
  • If you're bowels do not tolerate the recommended low fodmap serving of soy sauce, you can steep 7 grams of dried shiitake mushrooms in hot water and use that liquid to impart some umami flavor into the dish
  • We used garlic cloves in this recipe because we have gone through the elimination period and phased garlic back into our diet based on our ability to tolerate it

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  • Reply
    James Donald
    May 25, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    I’ve never had a more miserable experience trying to navigate a recipe. Ever. I have never seen so many ads on a recipe, and I literally had to give up on this recipe and find a different one because the page wouldn’t stop loading new ads and jumping around. I actually couldn’t read the recipe. Even trying to type this comment has taken almost 3 minutes.

    • Reply
      May 25, 2024 at 6:41 pm

      Hi James, I’m so sorry to hear that! Thank you for sharing this with me. I’ll work fixing this issue ASAP. Was the ‘jump to recipe’ button not working?

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